When Employees Leave: What Employers in Asia/Pacific Need to Know about Protecting Company Rights and Confidential Information
SyCipLaw contributed the Philippine Chapter of When Employees Leave: What Employers in Asia/Pacific Need to Know about Protecting Company Rights and Confidential Information published by the Employment Law Alliance (ELA). The publication is based on a 2015 webinar presented by a group of ELA’s Asia-Pacific members and briefly describes how the issues of non-competition and protection of confidential and propriety information are handled in 16 jurisdictions across Asia and the Pacific, and the steps companies can take to protect their interests when employees leave.
The three key issues addressed in the publication are:
• Is it possible to prevent employees from competing? If there is a post-termination non-compete, what are the remedies? Are injunctions available?
• What remedies are possible for a breach of a confidentiality obligation and IP rights?
• What are the considerations if the breach involves cross-border?
The Philippine chapter was contributed by SyCipLaw partner Rodelle B. Bolante with support from associate Vera Marie H. Bautista-King. Aside from the Philippines, jurisdictions covered include Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand.
SyCipLaw is the exclusive Philippine member of the ELA. For more information about ELA, please visit www.employmentlawalliance.com.
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